Create Together Tomorrow

Join us on this Sunday, November 14th between 3pm-7pm at Artspace Jackson Flats. 901 18th ½ Ave NE Minneapolis, MN, 55418

What is a Create Together? Creatives bring their own projects to work on side-by-side with other creatives. What should I bring? Yourself, a buddy or two if you’d like, and a creative project to work on.

At The Northeast Arts Commune, we like to keep dat money🤑in the pocket of artists. Our events are always free—donations are greatly appreciated.

Stay tuned for next months location and date🙌🏼🤩🙌🏼

Interested in partnering with us by opening up your space for one of our Create Togethers?? Or, do you know of a location that would be interested?? Please, contact

Grass Roots Gear inspired by November Project

We’re hoping it’ll be warm enough outside to make some grass roots gear on Sunday at our Create Together. 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼Bring an article of clothing you want tagged!! 🤩🥳 

What to stay tuned for 😎

New fundraising swag!! We’ve been teaming up with local artists to make some kewl, limited edition fundraising shirts. Here’s a throwback to our crowdfunder t-shirt. This design was originally an acrylic painting by Hillary Long:

Hope all is well with you and yours 🥰

❤️ The Northeast Arts Commune


Next Create Together


Create Togethers by The Northeast Arts Commune